Monday, August 15, 2011

 Some feet news...

Henry is WALKING!! What?!

His one or two drunken steps here and there have become six or seven slow, deliberate steps. It's super exciting and heart breaking all at once. He seems like such a big kid...

Ain't no thing like a chicken wing.
In other, but not so exciting, news...

We have now finished re-reading all of the Harry Potter books during our evening breastfeeding sessions.

Yes, we are those Harry Potter obsessed, midnight book buying people.

The first part of Deathly Hallows was his first movie. Part two was his first drive-in movie.

Henry has been great about listening intently when I read aloud, though I will admit I have gotten a bit caught up in it at times and continued reading, so he has missed a large chunk of the action unless he is telepathically inclined.

Now we're about to begin reading Dune. He's going to be as nerdy as his father.



  1. That is the sweetest thing I have ever seen. He looks just like Wes in that pic of him in the hat and Superman shield. I love you guys!
